Pool Historical Hashrate
Pool Pending Blocks
MoiraiCoin Pool Stats
3 Miners
3 Workers
17.54 MHash/s (Now)
... (Avg)
Luck: NaN Days
Share: 0.03773 %
MoiraiCoin Network Stats
Block Height: 11971
Network Hash/s: 46.49 GHash/s
Difficulty: 525.68926048
Node Connections: 31
Daemon: /Shibetoshi:1.0.0/
Algorithm: scrypt
MoiraiCoin Block Stats
Total Blocks 3975
Pending 2
Confirmed 23
Orphaned 86
Valid Shares 34486502
Invalid Shares 261904
MoiraiCoin Blocks Found 3975 Blocks Paid: 568388674.55030215 MOI
Block: 11961 2024/10/01 18:25:08 11 of 100
Block: 11945 2024/10/01 18:07:11 27 of 100
Block: 11905 2024/10/01 17:36:21 *PAID*
Block: 11831 2024/10/01 16:36:05 *PAID*
Block: 11828 2024/10/01 16:31:13 *PAID*
Block: 11771 2024/10/01 15:43:40 *PAID*
Block: 11726 2024/10/01 15:11:06 *PAID*
Block: 11709 2024/10/01 14:56:13 *PAID*
Block: 11632 2024/10/01 13:54:55 *PAID*
Block: 11591 2024/10/01 13:25:00 *PAID*
Finders of the last 10 blocks